Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Saem Healing Tea Garden Tea Tree Cleansing Water Review

Hello dolls! I am back with another review. Finally, Yass!

Today, I will share my thoughts on Cleansing Water a.k.a Micellar Water. Cleansing water is more popular than another type of cleanser right now, since it's water base which is more gentle and comfortable than oil base one. This is my first cleansing water, I kinda skeptical about cleansing water at first, but yeah I decided to give it a try, since I heard so many positive reviews about this product and the most important thing, this cleansing water is not expensive.

The Saem Healing Tea Garden Tea Tree Cleansing Water


Product Name : The Saem Healing Tea Garden Tea Tree Cleansing Water
Type                 : All Skin Type
Size                  : 300 ml
Country           : Made in Korea
Variants           : Green Tea (Moisturizing), White Tea (Brightening), Tea Tree (Sebum Care)
Purpose           : No-wash cleansing water containing Australian tea tree that erases the makeup and pore waste clean, only leaving the refreshing moisturization to the skin.
How to use      : Soak one cotton pad with cleansing water and wipe your face from inner area, working outwards until no more residue. Gently press the point of makeup areas with the cotton pad for 5-10 seconds to melt away the makeup, and gently blot off skin. No need to wash off with water, but lightly wash off as finishing touch.  
Price                : IDR 80,000

No Paraben :D

You can find the product information (instructions and ingredients) at the back of the bottle.

The expired date is printed on the bottom of the bottle. You have 3 years before it goes expired.
As you can see, the cleansing water texture is just like water, no color in it.

This cleansing water comes with flip top. Be careful when pouring the cleansing water since the hole is big :). 

How about the scent? 
It has a light tea tree scent, it reminds me of cajuput oil scent, but not that strong. I find this scent is relaxing.

What it claims?
1. It removes point makeup in one go while keeping your skin moisturized (checked!)
2. It helps remove excessive sebum and impurities 
3. It doesn’t irritate your skin 


Now, we are going to the fun part~ Let's see how the product works.

I swatched some waterproof makeup, to test this product performance.

Mascara, eyeliner and matte lipstick are going strong

Finally, after 5th swipe. I noticed that mascara and matte lipstick are very hard to remove.
I think i need a separate eye and lip remover.


(+) Cheap, Yes only IDR 80,000 you will get 300 ml
(+) Not irritating my sensitive skin, the formula is really gentle on my skin
(+) Relaxing scent
(+) Remove waterproof makeup very well
(+) Hydrating my skin
(+) No sticky *bye cleansing oil*
(+) Nice packaging

(-) I need another remover for eyes and lip
(-) Not available locally *all hail online shop*





Have you tried this product? Or you have another favorite cleansing water? 
Please comment down below Dolls~ :D
Thank you for reading, see ya on next review~


  1. Duh racun banget sih ini ci, aku pengen beli ini di althea nunggu ada yg bayarin 500k biar free ongkir ������
    Abis bersihin make up products di tangan pake si the saem, rasanya panas ga tangannya ci?

    I recommend Yves Rocher Sebo Vegetal Eau Micellaire Purifiante 2 en 1 ciiiiii �� ini micellar water sekaligus toner buat oily skin super bagus deh, kalau rutin pake ini komedonya bisa bersih gak terlalu noticeable ya dibarengin sama hydrating toner makin nampol sih ����

    1. Beli online aja langsung kak di tokped atau shopee, gak beda kok sama di website harganya cuma selisih 2 ribu hehe. Enggak ada rasa panas-panas kok. Oh micellar waternya Yves Rocher pernah baca-baca reviewnya sih, masih maju mundur belinya soalnya dapetnya 200 ml terus out of budget hehe. Terima kasih rekomendasinya anyway :D

  2. banyak banget yang review ini jadi penasaran kebetulan ditempat aku ada counter the Saem, ohiya kak IDR80K itu harga counter atau online? thx u for share :D

    1. Halo Isthi, 80 rb itu harga online, kebetulan aku beli di shopee. Kalo di website althea sektar 77.500. Kalo di counter blm cek sih, tapi biasanya lebih mahal ya karena harus bayar tempat sewa dan pegawai. Thank you sudah mampir ^^
