Friday, February 20, 2015

Jar of Beauty Red Butter Cookies Tinted Lipbalm & Etude House Dear Darling Tint Vampire Red Review: Local Brand VS Korean Brand

Hi ladies~ Finally I'm back with another review. Yeah another lip products \(>.<)/. Who doesn't love lip tint? I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lip tint because it gives me natural color on my lip, so i won't look so pale and i always have a lip tint inside my bag haha. So, today I'll compare local brand lip tint and the famous korean brand lip tint. So, who's the winner? Let's check it out!! (*o*)

Jar of Beauty Red Butter Cookies Tinted Lipbalm

Jar of Beauty is one of Indonesian brand of homemade beauty products, you can check their products HERE. This tinted lipbalm comes in 4 colors: Orange Slushee (Orange), Tiramisu (Nude brown), Red Butter Cookies (Red) and Cotton Candy (Pink). 

My pick is the red one, Red Butter Cookies. It has a very unique packaging. It comes in pump bottle, which is really great. This is my first pump bottle lip tint eveeerrrr. But, it's kinda hard for me to control the amount of the product, one push is too much in my opinion lol, so usually i just push it half way. You guys can apply this product using finger or lip brush, but i prefer dabbing it to my lips with finger. 

Pump Bottle <3

The texture is creamy and it's pigmented. It's red colored with a tinge of orange. One more, It has cookies scent <333333. But it's too glossy for my liking, it reminds me to lipgloss than a lip tint. Too bad, there's no BPOM number, ingredients list, even expired date. It stays around 1-2 hours in my lips and it transfers to everything, tissue, glass, etc., so make sure to reapply it after drink or eat.

My bare lips, sorry I look like zombie here XD 

After applying the tinted lipbalm *o*

It looks so natural rite?

Let's move to Korean brand~

Etude House Dear Darling Tint Vampire Red

I'm sure all Etude House fans know about this product hehe. This is the cheapest lip tint i've ever had. It comes in 4 variants, i've tried all of them lol. It comes with doe foot applicator to help you apply on your lips. 

Source: Etude House website

Doe Foot Applicator

It looks black in the tube, but if you look closely, you can see red-plum color in it. The texture is like jelly, not watery like other lip tints. It has great color pay-off and it's not drying on my lips, surprisingly. It has cherry scents and bittersweet taste (p.s. i licked it accidentaly lol). You can make a great gradient lip using this product because it's easy to blend. Don't forget to exfoliate your lips first before you apply this product, so it won't crack on your lips. About the staying power, this tint lasted 3-4 hours on my lips, great for $4 lip tint haha. 

Meet This Bare Lips Zombie Again

Gradient Lips


Jar of Beauty Red Butter Cookies Tinted Lipbalm
(+) Creamy
(+) Moisturizing
(+) Pigmented
(+) Unique Packaging
(+) Easy to find here

(-) A bit expensive
(-) Hard to control the amount of product
(-) no BPOM number, ingredients list, expired date

Rating: ***/5
Repurchase? No

Etude House Dear Darling Tint Vampire Red
(+) Jelly texture
(+) Easy to blend
(+) Not drying
(+) Good applicator
(+) Vibrant color

(-) Have to exfoliate lips first
(-) Hard to find here

Rating: ****/5
Repurchase? YESSSS

THE WINNER IS...............
Etude House Dear Darling Tint Vampire Red

So, what do you think ladies? 
Have you ever tried Jar of Beauty Tinted Lipbalm or Etude House Dear Darling Tint?
Please comment down below~
Have a nice day ^^


  1. aku udah pernah coba jar of beauty shade nya sama juga kayak km, wangi kue banget.. aku punya nya masih yang kemasan lama, full banget sih isinya, sampai dipencet agak susah, tp itu my lips saver banget bikin bibir gak kering, aku coba lipbalm lain sering kering soalnya :D

    1. Oh yang versi tube ya yang lama? Iya wanginya bikin pengen jilat-jilat terus tapi ga ada rasanya ya pas dijilat ternyata haha. Setuju banget, dia lebih bagus dari lipbalm-lipbalm yang aku punya, sayang banget ya belum ada ingredients list, expired date dan BPOMnya. Anyway makasih indira sudah mampir <3

  2. apiiiii keren banget reviewnya! aku punya yg dear darling, itu enak banget makenya, dioles dikit aja uda bikin bibir cetar merona. jd tahan lama jg krn makenya cuma dikit2. kemaren aku ada liat yg jar of beauty tp masih mikir2 lg krn belom tau gmn detail produknya. tapi dari sini aku tau deh gmn hasilnya hehe. keep review another products ya piii 👯💄💛

    1. Haloo ayuuukk~, haha bener banget dear darling tint warnanya cetar banget walau pake cuman dikit, jadi hemat *HIDUP HEMAT* hehe. Eh hamdalah reviewku berguna :") Beres doakan aku rajin ngeblog ya yuk <3, makasih sudah mampir sini ~

  3. belum pernah denger brand Jar of Beauty. Unik juga ya karena applicator nya spray

    thanks buat review nya :)

    1. Iya aku juga baru tau pas buka buka instagram, kreatif banget yah pake spray hehe. Makasih sudah mampir Imelda <3

  4. now following your blog!
    the jar of beauty packaging is so cute ^^

    I just started my blog and I hope you stop by!!

    1. Hi Rae, yup very unique for tinted lipbalm ^^, so creative rite? yup followed dear, thanks for stopping by. Sure i'll visit your blog ~

  5. thanks for the share & review! Loved how you called yourself "bare lip zombie"! It's so cute XD

    I personally liked the Jar of Beauty results/color better, but too bad it's more expensive! </3

    1. Hi An Na~ Is that cute? OMG thanks, my bare lips actually looked like blood thirsty zombie lol. Yep too bad it's more expensive, but the size is no joke, i don't know how to spend this within a year.

  6. aduh packaging liptint jar of beauty itu imut-imut ya >.<

    1. Bener banget Inggit, pas pertama liat langsung pengen beli wkwk. Makasih sudah mampir ^^

  7. Aku juga punya yang Vampire! :D tapi sayangnya lama-kelamaan bikin bibirku kering :(

    Nice review by the way :D

    1. Ditimpa lipbalm aja habis aplikasi tint nya, dijamin enggak kering hehe. Thanks for reading Aldila ^^
