Thursday, February 26, 2015

Etude House Hot Style Cream Hair Coloring Blackish Brown Review

Hi everyone~ welcome back to my blog \(*o*)/ Today, i made a new review for Etude House Hot Style Cream Hair Coloring in Blackish Brown shade. This product  comes in 1 shade only. I know, this product is less famous than the bubble hair color, which has wider color range. This product claims that it's really great for gray coverage. Wow. I have tried the bubble hair 4 times (dark brown, natural brown, red wine, and sweet orange) before so i decided to try this because i'm really really curious about DIY hair coloring using cream hair color. So let's start~ 

Hai semua, selamat datang di blogku  \(*o*)/. Hari ini aku sudah buat review baru yaitu Etude House Hot Style Cream Hair Coloring warna Blackish Brown. Produk ini hanya diproduksi 1 warna saja, yaitu blackish brown. Sayangnya, dibanding bubble hair color yang punya banyak pilihan warna, produk ini kurang terkenal. Katanya juga produk ini bags buat menutup uban? Wow. Aku udah pernah coba bubble hair color 4 kali sebelumnya (dark brown, natural brown, red wine, and sweet orange), jadi karena aku penasaran banget gimana semir rambut di rumah pakai pewarna rambut berbentuk krim, makanya aku pilih yang versi krim. Yuk kita mulai aja~

The Package

Instruction in english

Top of the box

Instruction in hangul

What will you get?

From etude website

Hand Gloves, Cape, Manual Instruction in Hangul, 
Colorant 1, Oxidizing 2, Big Brush, Small Brush, Silky Perfumed Treatment

What it claims?
Quick application (only 10 minutes)
Drip free
Can cover grays
Ammonia free

Hanya perlu 10 menit pemakaian
Tidak beleber kemana-mana (karena bentuknya krim)
Bisa menutup uban
Bebas amonia

How to use?

First, wear the cape and gloves, better to wear black shirt to avoid unwanted stains.
Second, Unscrew cap from Colorant 1 and squeeze a line into big brush, between it's plastic bristles.
Third, Unscrew cap from Oxidizing 2 and squeeze a line into big brush, between it's plastic bristles.
The amount of Colorant 1 and Oxidizing 2 should be 1:1 ratio. 
So that Colorant 1 and Oxidizing 2 naturally mixes together.
Fourth, use the big brush to apply the color to your hair, use small brush for more precision.
If the color gets on your skin, wipe it with damp towel.
Fifth, after you completely apply the color, leave it for 10-15 minutes.
Sixth, rinse your hair using warm water, until the water runs clear.
Seventh, apply Silky Perfumed Treatment for 5 minutes, and rinse.

1. Pakai plastik pelindung dan sarung tangan, lebih baik pakai kaos hitam ya, biar gak repot bersihkan kalo kena catnya.
2. Buka tutup tube Colorant 1, pencet untuk mengeluarkan isinya hingga membentuk 1 garis lurus ke big brush
3. Buka tutup tube Oxidizing 2, pencet untuk mengeluarkan isinya hingga membentuk 1 garis lurus ke big brush. Perbandingan Colorant 1 and Oxidizing 2 harus 1:1 ya girls, 
sehingga Colorant 1 and Oxidizing 2 akan otomatis tercampur saat kamu aplikasikan ke rambut
4. Aplikasikan semir ke rambut menggunakan big brush tadi, untuk bagian-bagian yang susah dijangkau, pakai small brush, kalau semirnya ada yang nggak sengaja kena di muka, segera lap dengan handuk basah, biar nggak berbekas di kulit
5. Setelah selesai, diamkan selama 10-15 menit
6. Bilas dengan air hangat, sampai bersih.
7. Aplikasikan Silky Perfumed Treatment selama 5 menit, dan bilas.

How's the result?


So weird + uneven color -___- 




(+) Cheap, around IDR 90.000
(+) Efficient bcs i only spent around a half tube, 
you can use it again and again when you need it bcs it's tube type.
(+) Easy, but the easiest is still bubble hair.
(+) Amonia free.
(+) No strong smell
(+) No itchy feeling on my scalp even i left it around 30 mins lol
(+) What you see in the top of the box is what you get, yes it's black <3

(-) Only comes in 1 shade
(-) A bit drying, but it will turn nice after you use Silky Perfumed Treatment 

Rating: ****/5
Repurchase? Nope, I'd like to try other brands, like liese prettia, schwarzkopf

(+) Murah, aku beli sekitar 90.000 rupiah
(+) Hemat, aku cuman pakai setengah tube, kamu bisa pakai lagi besok-besok.
(+) Gampang pakainya, tapi tetep lebih gampang si bubble hair
(+) Bebas amonia
(+) Baunya tidak menyengat
(+) Nggak perih di kulit kepala ku, padahal aku diamkan 30 menit lol
(+) Warna sesuai dengan gambar yang ada di tutup box, yep hitam <3

(-) Cuman ada 1 warna
(-) Agak kering, tapi setelah pakai Silky Perfumed Treatment udah nggak kering lagi

Rating: ****/5
Repurchase? Nggak, aku mau coba merek lain seperti liese prettia, schwarzkopf

Have you tried any bubble / cream hair coloring before?
Please comment down below~
Thanks for reading
Hope you like it :)
I'll update this review if there're any changes with the result ^^


  1. hasilnya bagus banget...warna nya pas sama kulit kamu :)

    1. Iya, warnanya pigmented banget Imelda (^_^), Thank you sudah mampir ~

  2. That jet black hair color looks fantastic on you~ I love it!

    xoxo Payton
    My Blog~Mini Clothing Haul + My Prom Dress!!!

  3. beuhh kenapa baru tau sekarang ya aku nya hahah :D . padahal januari kemarin lg cari produk hair colouring yg black tapi cepet dan bagus hasil nya :3 .
    Tapi sayang ya cuma ada 1 warna :(

    1. Haha ayo dicoba airin, kalau mau yang warna warni bisa pakai yang etude house bubble hair color, warnanya masuk semua sih di aku. Pakainya kayak keramas doang hehe. Makasih sudah mampir <3

  4. Api.. salam kenal yaaa...
    ya ampun cakep banget..
    brown atau black sama-sama cantiknya ^^

    Btw aku follow kamu yaa ;)

    1. Hai Amanda, wah makasihhh ^^ Sudah aku follow balik ya, makasih sudah mampir blog ku :D

  5. baru tau nih kalau etude house keluarin cat rambut juga.
    lengkap lagi peralatan yang dikasih dan murahhh..
    patut di coba nih :D

    1. Yoi, jadi praktis banget bisa coloring rambut sendiri di rumah hihi, ayo dicoba Maria ^^, thanks sudah mampir <3

  6. Great review, I like your new hair colour! x

    The Belle Narrative

  7. Thanks for the review! I've also been really curious about DIY cream hair coloring, I'd love to try one soon.
    I'm also a beauty blogger, would you like to follow each other on bloglovin and google+? Let me know!


    1. Thanks for stopping by Suzy <3 I've followed you on bloglovin & Google+ ^^

  8. hasilnya bagus deh. aku belom pernah nyobain warnain rambut sendiri. kalo produknya masih ada sisa gitu, bisa di simpen ga yah buat next coloring? apa harus dibuang?

    1. Sorry baru jawab Nella, sisanya bisa dipake lagi kok, kan tube bentuknya, yg penting nutupnya rapet hehe, aku cuma pake separuh btw karena rambutku pendek ^^

  9. tagged you for an award~ you deserve it ^^ hope to read your post about it!

    1. Thanks Rae ^^, sure i'll read it :D have a nice day~

  10. I actually like how your hair came out. Great review.

    Love always,

  11. ouuu! both hair colors look awesome on you! The etude house hair dye seems to work nicely!

  12. udahh pernah nyoba kaakk tapi waktu itu beli di olshop terus warnanya yg agak redwine gituh (dua kali sih makenya satu lagi yg cokelat rada blonde aku lupa namanya -_-).. nggak ribet sih pakainya tapi kalau warna yg selain hitam ini agak kurang kelihatan hasilnya hehehe apalagi yg cokelat muda ke blonde huhuhu

    1. Aku awalnya kenal hair dye pakainya etude house bubble hair loh. Emang awalnya gak keliatan sih karena kan masih virgin hair, jadi warnanya masih belum masuk. tapi setelah di cat sana sini 4x warnanya keluar kok jadi merah cokelat gitu. Kalau mau serius keluar warnanya di bleach dulu hihi, thanks ya udah mampir Bulan

  13. HASILNYA BAGUUUUS~ Kayaknya aku harus ngicipin ini deh, secara aku rambutnya coklat2 gak jelas gitu, pingin hitam gitu T^T Biar bisa nyamain hair clip dan poni palsu aku gitu~

  14. can it really greatly cover grey hair? and how long would it last?
